
Monday, February 11, 2013

Somebody has a case of the "Mondays"

Admittedly, I woke up this morning wanting nothing more than to bury my head right back in my pillow and hide beneath the blankets until it's Friday again. Go AWAY Monday!!!!! But then this little bundle of energy crawled on the bed and right up into my face with her big smile and sweet puppy breath... and suddenly taking on the week didn't seem so hard. 

Molly says, "Smile!!!! Monday's aren't so bad!"

On the docket this week - - - > Must get some swim training in (triatholon is in t-minus 110 days!!); Valentine's Day on Thursday (probably just a casual dinner at home with the hubs. I think I'll make one of our faves: pork tenderloin with cranberry and rosemary sauce); and a three day weekend coming up for President's day next Monday. Woohoo!   Do you have plans?

1 comment:

  1. We happen to have some random cranberries at our house & I was on the hunt for a new recipe to try with those! The pork tenderloin sounds so good...can I trouble you for the recipe? ;)
