
Friday, February 8, 2013

Very Pinterest-ing

As I've mentioned before, I'm a bit obsessed with Pinterest these days. I could literally spend hours stalking peoples bright ideas and "pinning" them for anticipated later use. I only wish I had discovered Pinterest while I was wedding planning! Those lucky brides with all that inspiration at their fingertips!

Yes, I've been a busy little pinner recently, but in the real world my experimentation has been fairly limited to forcing new recipes on Steve and messing around with a few new hair stylings.  I have several boards dedicated to home projects and DIY crafts, but I've been too busy or too scared to try them out - potentially for fear of realizing I'm not actually as crafty as all those other pinners out there. I mean, making a monogram 'J' out of old wine corks sounds easy enough, but.....

That's why I love this blog: "The Pintester. F'ing up Pinterest pins so you don't have to."  This chick cracks me up.  She tests out those pins that make you say "now, that's cool" or "why didn't I think of that" and shows you how they really turn out - usually while enjoying a cocktail.  I can relate. She's inspired me to take on a few of those DIY pins and not take it all so seriously. I mean, they can't turn out worse than hers, right? ;)

A couple other hilarious Pinterest-related blogs I've been enjoying (warning, R-rated):

Happy pinning! And Happy FRIDAY!

1 comment:

  1. *grin* LOVE IT! We're following each other on Pinterest, right?! :-) Let's share some craft-goodness-time!
